
Resources for refugees

Explore our list of resources to help you navigate life in the UK.

English Language resources

Apply for our English classes by writing to Alice
[email protected]

Apply for Bath College English language classes
[email protected]

Find out about English classes available in the Bath and Bristol area, visit Learning English in Bristol and Beyond 

Link of places to practice your English:

Early years, schooling and further education in the UK

If you need help with applying for schools in Bath, send us an email
[email protected]

The Bell Foundation

Learn more about education for non-native English speakers

Welcome book for primary school children

Transition from primary to secondary schools in Bath

Refugee Education UK

Need help with further education

Welcome pack for families with school age children

Employability info

An Overview of Jobs Market in Bath
Bath is a thriving city with lots of jobs and roles across the different sectors and industries. Bath is a tourist destination and we have visitors from across the world, so therefore we have many jobs within the retail and hospitality sectors. Currently there are lots of job vacancies across the different sectors with high number of vacancies in the care & hospitality sectors. 

Many companies both large and small, have their offices in the city centre offering jobs in customer service and sales, business support, HR, finance, digital marketing and communications. 

Bristol, Bath and the wider South West is home to pioneering immersive technologies industry and Bath in particular, has a thriving and steadily growing tech industry all offering digital and technical jobs such as software developers, games designer and programmers. 

We have a large care sector, day nurseries, hospitals, schools who all looking for care and teaching staff, reception/admin, facilities and operations. 

Manufacturing/Warehouse/Engineering/Logistics – there isn’t much manufacturing  in Bath, most companies are on the outskirts of Bath in areas such as Radstock and Midsomer Norton and towards Bristol area – Where most of the manufacturing companies are. But there are some smaller companies operating in area who are looking for engineers, drivers and warehouse staff.  

Bath has a thriving construction industry so many of the construction companies are looking for good trades people, such as electricians, labourers, plumbers and carpenters. There are also organisations such as Curo and the council who also looking for trades and operational people. 

In Nov/Dec businesses start to recruit for temporary Christmas jobs – typically in the retail and hospitality sectors. So there are jobs in restaurants, hotels and bars and shops and supermarkets. 

Download a CV template

Download a cover letter template

Jobs Connect

Welcome to Bath

Tech Spark


Job Centre Guide

Juice Recruitment

Find a job DWP

Other resources

Information about Life in The UK test

Free practice for the Life in The UK test

Bath and North East Somerset Council

HOPE Guide

Hate crimes and reporting

A hate crime is defined as ‘Any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice based on a person’s race or perceived race; religion or perceived religion; sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation; disability or perceived disability and any crime motivated by hostility or prejudice against a person who is transgender or perceived to be transgender.’

Evidence of the hate element is not a requirement. You do not need to personally perceive the incident to be hate related. It would be enough if another person, a witness or even a police officer thought that the incident was hate related.

If you feel threatened or harassed, you can report this to the police and SARI charity (Stand Against Racism and Inequality) who can support you.

Essential numbers

999 and 112 – Emergency services (police, fire, ambulance, coastguard)
Both numbers are free and connect you to help in critical situations. You can use both of them both in the EU and the UK. You should always call 999 when it is an emergency, such as when a crime is in progress, someone suspected of a crime is nearby, when there is danger to life or when violence is being used or threatened.
111 – Non-emergency number for the NHS.
NHS 111 can help if you have an urgent medical problem that is not an emergency issue and you’re not sure what to do. You will speak to an advisor, who will ask a series of questions about your condition, or the condition of the person affected. They can always transfer you to the 999 operator if necessary.

101 – Non-emergency number for the Police only
101 is only available if you are calling from within England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland.
You can call 101 to report crime that is not an emergency. For example:

  • Your car or property has been stolen
  • Your property has been damaged
  • You suspect drug use or related crime in your neighbourhood
  • Share information about crime in your area
  • Speak to the police

Courses, Training and social activities

The Hope Guide provides information on groups, activities and services run by volunteers and not for profit organisations. 

The guide contains a variety of signposting information, aimed at empowering local residents by being better informed about local mental health and wellbeing opportunities, groups and services.

The Nest Project

Share and Repair

Citizens Advice