Becoming a Member or Supporter
We want to attract people who will make a positive difference to the work we do. We want everyone who expresses an interest in being associated with Bath Welcomes Refugees to help us fulfil our role in furthering the cause and interests of refugees in Bath and further afield both by volunteering or becoming a member or supporter.
The difference between a supporter or member is below.
Initial contact is likely to be through attending a meeting or a fund raiser or through social media or via the website. You will then be directed to contact the membership secretary [email protected].
Please also see the opportunities for volunteering.
A supporter:
- Has the option of receiving email updates from BWR about our work and any events which we will be running.
- Can choose to receive fundraising or donation requests.
- Will receive an invite to BWR’s Supporters’ Events and Annual General Meetings but will not have the right to vote at AGMs.
- Volunteers are regarded as supporters.
A legal member:
- Supports BWR financially by paying an annual subscription fee (currently set at £12 per annum by the Trustees). Membership is free for refugees and asylum seekers.
- Will receive an invite to BWR’s Supporters’ Events and Annual General Meetings and has the right to vote on resolutions put forward at AGMs which includes the election of trustees and influencing the direction and strategic aims of BWR.
- Has the option of receiving email updates from BWR about our work and any events which we will be running
- Can choose to receive fundraising or donation requests
An individual applying to be a Legal Member must at the date he or she submits their
application for membership:
- Be over 18 years of age old;
- Live in, work in, or have a sufficient connection to Bath and North East Somerset or the surrounding area;
- And be interested in promoting the Objects of the Charity
Become a supporter
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