Update: Ukrainians in Bath

BWR is working closely with BANES council to support Ukrainian arrivals, hosts and relatives. There are currently over 60 Bath families hosting over 100 Ukrainians in Bath with more to arrive.
With the help of our brilliant teaching team, we have expanded our English Language provision and are now hosting three separate classes each week.
We have created a bank of befriending and resettlement volunteers ready to support Ukrainians, with specific teams of trained benefits advisors with Russian and Ukrainian speakers.
We hosted our very first Welcome and Social Event for Ukrainians and hosts on the 26th of May to bring the community together. We also have two Facebook pages for hosts and Ukrainians in Bath where they can connect and share advice and resources. If you are supporting a Ukrainian family and would like additional advice or resources, or to join our Facebook page, please email Issy – [email protected].
New Volunteers & Volunteer Coordinator
The work of BWR has expanded considerably over the last year and there have been a number of recent changes, which reflect this. Issy Warren, who has been our volunteer co-ordinator, has taken up a 6 month post with us co-ordinating support for the Ukrainian refugees in particular. We are pleased to welcome Ruth Todd who in turn has been appointed for 6 months to the volunteer co-ordinator post. We are also very glad to welcome new volunteers to the following roles:
- Kelsey Hoppe, who is co-ordinating our team of volunteer interpreters
- James Eatwell, who is co-ordinating social activities for asylum seekers and refugees
- Kate MacDonald, providing admin support
- Roxanne Fisher, our new membership secretary (many thanks to our previous membership secretary, Lydia, for all her work in the role)
It’s time to Bike Walk Run for BWR

This year, Refugee Week is the 20th-26th of June. Want to raise money for Bath Welcomes Refugees while enjoying some exercise?
It’s easy, and open to ALL ages, ALL abilities, ANYWHERE in the world!
How does it work?
- Set your own goal
- Collect sponsorships
- Link to our Local Giving Page (click here)
- Record your Achievement
- Take and send us your selfie at [email protected]
- Join our BWR Hall of Fame!
Jumble Sale! Can you help?

Just a few short weeks before the next Bath Welcomes Refugees JUMBLE SALE!
Amanda would love your help sorting donations and helping on the day. Please get in touch with her by email or on the phone number above.
Nominate BWR on Movement for Good

If you have 2 minutes to spare now, please nominate BWR on the Movement for Good website.
It works like a lottery. The more nominations we have the more chance we have of winning £1000 from their fund for good causes.
It’s very easy to do. The next draw is in June but your nomination will remain valid for future draws. Just follow the link below and feel free to pass it on to your friends and family.
Nominate a charity: MOVEMENT FOR GOOD
Meet RUTH. New volunteer coordinator

Hi everyone! I’m Ruth, trying to step into the very large shoes that Issy has left for me to fill as the new contact for volunteers – incoming and current. You can reach me on [email protected].
I’ve worked for many years for B&NES Children’s and Adult Services and feel privileged to be working now with people freely giving their time and energy to Bath’s refugees and asylum seekers. I hope to begin meeting you all at events and socials in the coming weeks and months.
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